The Golden Ascension of Gaia


A beautiful track created on the JUNE SOLSTICE with streams of golden light and rainbow waves flowing through to support Gaia in her transition to a higher vibrational body.

There are so many layers in this one track alone, you will find that each time you listen you get a different layer, physically, mentally, on a soul level, energetically, and emotionally.

How can this help me:

:: Strengthens your own inner ability to intuit

:: Upgrading you to the highest crystalline heart of the planet, deepening your connection to our Earth Mother

:: Cellular upgrades for rebalancing the heart chakra

:: Upgraded protection from your own higher councils that support you and anchoring codes of justice and sovereignty through your being

:: Allows you to express your soul’s needs at a higher level of consciousness

:: Heals the body on all levels to make you feel better about your humanity and your life on Earth

Best received with Headphones.

Length : 17:00

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