“Genuine, compassionate, intuitive, sincere, spectacularly gifted…these are just a few of the words I would use to describe Jac.
During these turbulent, pivotal times…there is no doubt that Jac is divinely here as a True Source Light Guide for those who are desiring to live a more pure, higher vibrational and purposeful life.
Assisting to clear past life blockages, providing crystal clarity on past, current & future life events and guiding you to connect with your spirit guides to make the best possible decisions.
Enlightening (introducing) you to your Golden Dragons and others…your protectors…to understand their purpose & value in your life’s journey.
There is no need to travel in the darkness when there are genuine True Source Light guides, like Jac, here for us. So extremely grateful!”
- Lisa Eve, Licensed Massage Therapist
Wow truly amazing. As you were at the part where we were telling ourselves it’s time to go move forward a golden bridge started to form from tiny pieces under my feet and my physical body feels like it has been vibrating since I asked for the upgrade! So many visuals during that. Thank you again Jac! Tears of gratitude!
-Rachael, Flight Attendant & Grid Worker (on events)
Thank you Jac for your purpose and support of the lightworkers, children and Gaia. I am grateful for your presence and the assistance you have provided for me. Truly a gift!!
- Kristie, Reiki Healer
“Jac has guided me to heal me, to find the light within me and align to my highest path allowing acceptance and flow to take me to my souls calling. Through Inner child work, which is sometimes hard to face, but she assists with such and love compassion for your journey that is feels safe and that right now in this time is very needed.
A direct channel from source through the light that she sings it brings every cell in my body to rejoice and heal. I am not kidding when I say that when she sings it brings such healing from source.
It is with absolute love and honor for her work I am here.”
- Carla, Energy & Sound Healer
“I can’t thank her enough for all her healing energy and guidance. I am so grateful for her presence and help. I felt supported and held in my healing.”
- Ziba
“I wholeheartedly recommend Jac, for she has a unique approach for anyone seeking to elevate their vibrational frequency and embark on a journey of soul liberation. On a soul level, she is dedicated to awakening humanity to their highest potential, assisting those wanting to ascend at a soul level, aligning to and uplifting their light to new heights.”
- Jess Marie, Vedic Counselor