The Success of a Planetary Guardian


A wonderful track created on the 6.6.6 Gateway with streaming light flowing through to help us and Gaia be even more light! It has the strongest and most protective energy that has been on the Earth for a long while!

There are so many layers in this one track alone, you will find that each time you listen you get a different layer, physically, mentally, on a soul level, energetically, and emotionally.

How can this help me:

:: Helps you to emotionally release all the baggage of the past that you have anchored through your being from being a planetary guardian

:: Healing codes from the Archangelic realm to support

:: Feeling at home in your body as a soul

:: Loving the life that you chose and finding the wisdom through the challenge

:: Success and Prosperity codes to provide for your human on the Earth, serving as a Guardian of Light for Gaia (Earth Mother)

:: Suffering repatterining

:: Deeper Soul Connection and Upgrading for a happier and harmonious life in the body

Best received with Headphones.

Length : 11:23

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