The Beauty of the Rose Gold Tiger


This high vibrational shamanic healing track is intended to help you to clear any patterns of imbalance surrounding your own inner beauty being able to shine out. It clears old judgments you may be holding from the past.

It is also intended to clear and “shoo” away the energy of bullies and internet trolls, seen or unseen. Great for those who feel like speaking their truth has “consequences” or are under attack for speaking out against the false narratives. Helping you to stand strong in the light and power that you have brought here on Earth!

Also great for those who have experienced any sexual trauma or abuse, bullying and narcissism, related to domination of the masculine or negative feminine energies! Healing for the sacral, root, and heart chakras are apparent.

Gaia, our beautiful Earth Mother would like you to know that it’s safe to be who you are now. In fact, she NEEDS you to be who you truly are. What a win win!

This track is blessed by the pure consciousness of A Rose Gold Tiger who is here to help you reprogram to HONOR the light that you are, embody your true beauty with strength and protection you.

Length : 12:49

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